Thursday 19 November 2009

Cats, cats, cats, everyone's talking about cats...

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love cats.
I am blessed (or maybe cursed) with two cats, one a flame-point siamese, the other a shaded oriental; Jay and Liza respectively. Jay looks like a miniature lion, long and lean with a noble head. Liza has the most amazing blue eyes. They both have strong personalities and very penetrating voices.

I have never kept siamese cats before and though I'd heard they were vocal, nothing could have prepared me for the assault on my eardrums. Sometimes its impossible to tell what they want. Sometimes I think they just want to complain.

They are very intelligent cats. Jay has worked out how to open cupboards, forever searching for treats. He climbs everywhere, knocking down pictures and ornaments with reckless abandon. Liza prefers to pace the floor, lap after lap of the flat, circling like a slightly chunky shark.

They follow us around when the mood strikes them, even to the toilet. Liza doesn't have any respect for privacy. She follows our flatmate's girlfriend into the loo, sitting on the cistern and purring. Maybe its just girls going to the bathroom together...
Either that or I have cottaging cats.

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